
The 7 day exercise did indeed come to a close within the time for which it was declared. It has been close to 2 months since the last update, but not without reason. Owing to a sudden turn of events, the Greasemonkey has been called up to head home, for good (or at least an indefinite amount of time). The 7 day exercise was all about a pack up, and ship out (hence PUASO).
The Walawalamuciwawa has been, and will always be a collect of the going-ons out of an Island along the Equator, and so, it is with a fair degree of sadness that it'll cease to be updated for a long long time to come...but rest assured, that should another post come online again, it'd mean, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Random XS is in business again, and that, is something I pray for.