Rescued. One word sums it up. It was unfortunate my trusty steed (not so trusty now) aged...and its engine just died on me as I was heading into the A59. Caught at the crossroads in Kreuz Flughafen, it was one of the most unpleasant experiences to date. I tried calling KH to help, but could not give a fix on my exact position (then), and wracked my mind to trace the path I had taken home from the office - it was to no avail (and it was unnerving trying to pace up and down the Autobahn trying to get a fix on my position with giant trucks whooshing past you, and even flipping your warning triangle placed a good 50 m away from the rear of your car), I might as well have spoken Greek to him. After what seemed like eternity of thumbing through the street directory - (and ADAC edition, a most recent addition - picked up at the petrol station last week after the one that I had been using was nicked), trying to turn off all power consuming devices (lights, radio, air conditioning) I prayed out of desperation for God to send me and angel. Yes, you heard that right - I prayed "Lord send me an angel." And He did just that. Moments after that prayer was uttered, a call came "The ADAC truck is on the way to you, I've given him your number", said KH. You should be able to direct him to your location.
Here in Germany, the ADAC Emergency crew that operates along the Autobahn (and off it), they are known as the Yellow Angels - HOW CAN I NOT STAND AMAZED AT HIS POWER AND PROVIDENCE? I am exactly that - amazed.
I was home within the hour. The car was restarted somehow - and was able to drive on its own power back to the home of RL (who was also informed by KH that I was stranded on some strange location). And they brought a replacement car too...a spanking new Audi A6 station wagon...I am just speechless. Thank you Lord for Your providence. Thank You for sending the ADAC man (I never got to know his name, save for the fact that he stayed to ensure I was ok in the Audi), for KH and RL.