ARC-170 Fighter

It's been a while, but the Random XS has been busy. Tis' the season for trilogies, and whilst many out there fail to live up to the reputations that they had created, improvements in technologies pertaining to making plastic sprues definitely has.
The slew of new releases from Revell AG is quite impressive. Granted, it's a simple snap fit (or sqeeze fit...depending on how you look at it) kit, prepainted and all, it does provide one with a fair deal of "Whizzing" action once you put it together. This ARC-170 Starfighter from Star Wars III is, to be honest, a rather fun kit. So fun, I shattered the canopy less than an hour into finishing it, courtesy of my random attempts at making some corny video of the ARC-170 to the tune of Top Gun's anthem. Well, the clone pilots never knew what hit them...the whole assembly literally fell apart as it hit the ground...fuselage, wings, laser cannons etc...all over the place. Well, then it was refurbished and now sits perched atop the mantle, mounted on a toilet roll cardboard insert...
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