Entertaining Angels

It has been said that we sometimes meet angels along the way without even knowing it. I might have just met mine not too long ago. Here's what happened:
Travelling along the Autobahn with constant 20 minutely updates regarding the latest Stau Information can take some getting used to. Most of the time, it doesn't really affect you, and if you happen to get into one, you'd most likely be out of it in a matter of minutes through stop-and-go traffic. This time round however, the traffic situation got critical when a trucking accident caused a major jam spanning 7 km under the hot afternoon sun. The rescue teams responded in due course, with great efficiency and professionalism. Traffic cleared the way for the emergency vehicles as they made their way to the scene of the accident. Being right at the tail end of the jam, I decided perhaps it was a good idea to go through one of the Bundesstrasse and make my way out of the mess before it made me late for a house group meeting. It wasn't long before I was hopelessly lost. Circling endlessly within the vicinity of Ludwigshafen, running low on fuel and with no spare cash in case the petrol stations didn't accept credit cards, it was a case of desperately trying to find my bearings with my grossly rudimentary ADAC map and hoping for God to extract me from this potentially long drawn mess.
Then I looked up. And there she was.
CITROËN bearing a similar area license plate as the trusty old OPEL steed. "Follow Me" it seemed to beckon. I took my chances, thinking perhaps that the chances of such a car in such a far out area of town (well, not that I really knew where I was really...so it had to be pretty far out) could only mean that she was heading back to the same region as I was, along the Rhine.
I thought if the car was on a visit to some little village...then well, I'd be in a rut. So I tailed the car, hoping that it would get me out of this mess I was in, hoping that the worse would not be realised. The car continued, past countless roundabouts, little quaint towns, vineyards and the works. I turned off the air condition as a desperate fuel saving measure (which was almost in the red). And then it happened. The CITROËN stopped and flicked on it's signal lights. I pulled up along side and asked where they were headed. Their response was that they were trying to find their way out too, and that I could follow.
What ensued was one of the most interesting journeys I have had to date. They made sure I followed behind, making sure I was able to match their cruising speed. At roundabouts, they made sure traffic was clear so I could follow, and at traffic light junctions, they never tried to beat the orange lights so I won't be left behind. Eventually, they led me back on the highway again and I was in familiar Autobahn territory once more.
At a narrow pass, I waved them goodbye and expressed my heartfelt thanks.
CITROËN XX XX 2729, you both know who you are. Here's a massive thanks for that chance meeting and tremendous help you rendered. God Bless, and thanks for being such considerate guides for a fellow sojourner. It meant a lot to me.
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