The problem with milk and bananas... this:

Fly. Boy left, Girl right.
On any other occasion, it would have been OK. In fact, it is the only thing that is OK about Winter - It decimates all those insects that threaten to splat your windscreen or kamikaze into your nostrils as you cruise down those dirt tracks in your latest alloy-framed-Hawaiian-island-named mountain bike. But no. Spring is here, and as the ambient temperature warms up, so does the Drosophila melanogaster, better known as the common fruit fly warm itself up to whatever that you plan to have for lunch, snack etc.
Since morning, I have been harassed by this relentless creature which is accredited for the sacrifices its species made so that our present day understanding of genetics and heredity is what it is. It has been doing strafing runs across my desk as it laps up traces of milk stains left on my half hour old Caffe Latte and banana skin from lunch. I am tempted to assemble an anti-fly battery of swats to take these little rascals out with all the precision that a fly swat could bear- but for what they have already contributed to Mankind...I reckon I'd give that a "miss".

Fly. Boy left, Girl right.
On any other occasion, it would have been OK. In fact, it is the only thing that is OK about Winter - It decimates all those insects that threaten to splat your windscreen or kamikaze into your nostrils as you cruise down those dirt tracks in your latest alloy-framed-Hawaiian-island-named mountain bike. But no. Spring is here, and as the ambient temperature warms up, so does the Drosophila melanogaster, better known as the common fruit fly warm itself up to whatever that you plan to have for lunch, snack etc.
Since morning, I have been harassed by this relentless creature which is accredited for the sacrifices its species made so that our present day understanding of genetics and heredity is what it is. It has been doing strafing runs across my desk as it laps up traces of milk stains left on my half hour old Caffe Latte and banana skin from lunch. I am tempted to assemble an anti-fly battery of swats to take these little rascals out with all the precision that a fly swat could bear- but for what they have already contributed to Mankind...I reckon I'd give that a "miss".
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