
Coffee at the Airport :)

Plane at the airport...all in good time...

Between William Peterson, and Gary Senise....

Somehow, Gruesome Grissom makes the cut. Random XS still prefers the orignal.

Daybreak.....Aurora? Well, just.

Breakfast....salty noodles with lots of MSG....
All in all, the flight was good. Couple of bumps here and belt signs on all the time...worst thing is, when you decide to visit the loo....and well, decide to visit for an extended period...and the plane goes into turbulence...or how about, when the plane is about to land... and the air stewardess hammers desperately at the door going "Sir/Ma'am, please return to your seat" THAT is an experience.
Nice pic of SQ food! Want to see what other airlines offer?
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