Cow Gazing - Part II

Above: The view that greets one before entering the Blackforest....real brown cows mooo-vin' around.
Before the Punk Rock concerts....there was cow gazing....a much calmer enterprise I'd reckon (how loud can cows chewing on dandelions get??)...there's of course a wider "Tonal Range" to take in.This was a day trip to the renowned Schwarzwald, where in areas, the green is so intense, it looks almost black...and hence it's namesake.
Below: Daylight breaking through the canopy of the Blackforest.

Panorama: Overview out of one of the rest stops along the trekking route.

The Random XS is at present, wreaking havoc along the Rhine, something to the tune of doing what Taz would do if he ripped through a room. The thing is, this ain't just any room, it happens to be the residence of the Tap, and the Jackrabbit. The duo has gone for some much deserved R&R and should be back this Monday....leaving the XS to do his Randomising the place a bit. In what appears to be a rather surreal experience, the Random XS will move from cow gazing to some less intelligent pursuits....a round of Mech Stompin' action in the XBOX.
Awesome. Just what the doctor ordered!
As the good Doc-J ordered indeed :) Will soon post the tools of the trade ;) Stay tuned!
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