If Teflon is non stick...then how does it stick to your frying pan? Having said that, it has been said too "Einfache Leute haben die Arche gebaut - Fachleute die Titanic..." i.e. "Amateurs built the Ark, Professionals the Titanic."
Friday, July 08, 2005
Along the Equator - West Side of a Fising Village. The Dang Excellent Warrior (D.E.W) - Model Postive K. Callsign + K was spotted via night vision equipment (note his not-so-phone-booth-looking changing room behind) heeding a call of duty to save the neighbourhood from impending doom. This man means business. He dons a high tech City Mug 16 oz De-Identifier and heads off on a night mission. This is risky business, ladies and gentlemen, for the opposition out there, is getting increasingly well equipped. But take note, +K dishes out much punishment, and his foe would wish it was never on the receiving end. We wish him all the best in his quest for justice.
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