Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Add salt

The morning's fantasy about having Dim Sum in the land of Wurst wasn't unfounded. Nonetheless, it's late (9:13pm) and I still haven't had my dinner...it's one of those late nights that normally end up with dinner at the Golden Arches at 12 am in the morning. (but I must admit, their recent €1 offerings have been pretty attractive)
Lucky me though, my kind colleagues have decided to get out there and raid a Vietnamese restaurant, so I don't have to resign to a fate more depressing than having to down a heap of super processed meat patties and artificial sweetener sauce.
I reckon I'd tuck in into some Mc European-Asian cuisine. Ladies and gentlement, please welcome Reis gebraten mit Hühnerfleisch und Gemüse, packed in Sara-Lee like take away aluminium trays with a silver-foiled cardboard cover. I only have to contend to extremely high doses of Monosodiumglutamate...that wonder drug next to Tri-methylxanthine.


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